The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Solar Panels

Considering going solar? You've come to the right place, as here you'll learn all about:

  • Whether or not your house is a good candidate for a solar panel system
  • The perks of switching to a renewable energy source
  • How to start the whole solar panel process
  • What to expect during installation
  • System maintenance

So let's get started!

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Is My Home Suitable for Solar Panels?

When assessing if your home is a good candidate for solar panels, we turn to the two S's:

Sun: Does your roof have relatively unobstructed access to the sun's rays for a significant portion of the day?

Space: Do you have enough roof space for the number of panels that would be needed to offset the amount of electricity you use every month? The average household typically requires at least 16 panels.

What Are the Perks of Going Solar?

When you make the switch to a renewable energy source, you help reduce carbon dioxide emissions, lower or nearly eliminate your electricity bill, potentially increase property value while reducing tax liability, and you get to take advantage of the many incentives and rebates that are available, making it an all-around cost-effective, smart choice.

With minimal maintenance and the potential to install panels for $0 down, now is the time to go solar!

How Do I Start the Process of Going Solar?

EnergyBillCruncher is the first step to going solar. Our user-friendly site makes it easy to find deals, calculate savings, and compare quotes, all from the comfort of your home. Simply put in your zip code to get connected to local installers!

What Should I Expect During Installation?

Once you've decided on a solar panel provider, they'll get to work designing your system based on your home's setup. You and your contractor will work together during the permitting process. After that, there is very little for you to do!

On the day that installation is scheduled to start, just be sure nothing is obstructing your roof. You may also want to remove any obstacles that would hinder the installation team from accessing your roof or parking necessary vehicles. Depending on the size of the system, the installation process can be completed in as little as a day or may take up to a week for more complex systems. Your contractor should be able to provide you with a more accurate time frame.

Is There a Lot of System Maintenance?

Not only are solar panels cost-effective but they require minimal, if any, maintenance once installed. Solar panels have a long lifespan, generally 25-30 years. It's important to note that after this time frame, the panels don't just stop working. It just means there will likely be a noticeable decrease in energy production.

If you live in a particularly dry, dusty area, it is possible to  clean your solar panels, but the need for this is rare.

Get Started With a Quote Today

As you can see, there are many reasons to switch to an eco-friendly power source. Most homes are good candidates for solar panels and the entire process is straightforward with speedy installation time. With little, if any, maintenance involved and the vast variety of incentives available, it is easy to see why so many homeowners are making the switch to solar energy. Get started with a competitive solar quote based on your location now!

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