Don't Fall for These 5 Solar Scams

When it comes to money, nothing is off-limits for a scam artist. Even those who are massively curbing their carbon footprint and enhancing their quality of life can be victims of a con artist.

With so many perks that come from solar panels, it's no wonder so many homeowners are making the switch. But that begs the question:

>How can you avoid falling victim to a scam artist when it comes to installing solar panels?

We've got five solar scams to watch out for so that you can reap all the rewards that come from a renewable energy system!

1. Starting Work Without a Contract

No matter what your solar installer says, don't let anyone start work on your home without a contract in place! Starting work without a contract is a tactic that dishonest companies use to scam you into paying more than what was agreed on.

They'll start the work and then refuse to finish until you've signed a contract. That contract will then have inflated prices that were never discussed. Most homeowners sign and pay the inflated fees simply because they want to work to be completed.

You can avoid all this hassle and added cost by refusing to allow anyone to start work until all paperwork is signed. When it comes to protecting your financial health, put your foot down!

2. Exaggerated Rebates

Thanks to rebates, tax credits, reduced electricity costs, and increased home value, solar panels are a worthwhile investment for many homeowners. That being said, it's important to note that for many, solar panels do come with upfront costs.

Incentives and tax credits help mitigate those costs by a substantial amount. Unfortunately for those looking to install solar panels, there are companies out there that offer misleading information.

Don't be tricked into thinking you can save more than you can. If you bank on one amount and later find out that you're not eligible for a certain rebate, or if the perk of an incentive has been exaggerated, that could lead to immense financial strain.

> A reputable solar panel installer will be upfront about the specific incentives you qualify for.

And you can verify those perks with help from EnergyBillCruncher. Be sure to review the numbers for yourself so that you understand your bottom line. Keep in mind that most homeowners say that the perks of owning a renewable energy system far outweigh the cost of upfront fees.

3. Pushy Lease or Loan Tactics

Generally speaking, you'll get the most out of solar panels if you buy them outright. If you lease the panels, you won't be eligible for any tax credits; the company that owns the panels get to reap those rewards.

A loan makes sense for some, provided the terms are competitive. If the solar provider you're working with is currently pushing you towards one financing or lease option, be wary.

Pay close attention to all the terms of the contract, including what happens if you decide you no longer want the panels or if you decide to sell the home. It can be difficult to find a buyer who is willing to take on your solar panel contract.

Treat solar panel shopping the same as you would a mortgage. Shop around, speak with many providers, and know your bottom line. If you don't, you may get locked into a contract that goes on for years and charges you hundreds, or even thousands, in interest.

Pushy salespeople are often trying to deter you from reading the terms of an offer. They want you to sign before carefully reviewing so that they have you on their hook. Solar panels are a big investment; treat them as such! Take your time so that you can make a well-thought-out decision.

4. No Warranty Guarantees

Reputable solar installers offer comprehensive warranties and guarantees of their work. If the provider you're speaking with doesn't have such a warranty, it's time to find someone else.

Because panels are attached to the roof of your home, you want the work to be guaranteed. It can be quite costly if the installer makes an error, and the work needs to be re-done. You shouldn't have to pay for someone else's mistake.

When meeting with installers and comparing offers, be sure to inquire about their warranties, including their workmanship coverage. It's not uncommon for dishonest companies to install panels without warranty coverage and then try to charge you a considerable amount of money to fix a problem they created.

>Review warranty coverage on all aspects, including the panels themselves, all related equipment, and workmanship, before making any decisions.

5. Pressure to Sign

When it comes to any large purchase, it's always best to compare rates and offers. Typically, those who get multiple quotes go on to save a significant amount of money compared to those who take the first offer that comes along.

> Without more than one offer, how do you know you're getting the best deal?

Solar panels are an investment and come with upfront costs. To help curb those costs, compare reputable lenders in your area. How can you easily do just that? By using EnergyBillCruncher. Homeowners can explore state-specific solar incentives and connect with local solar installers when they're ready.

If you're being pressured into signing a contract, odds are, it's not a great deal, and they're trying to lock you into something before you have a chance to do some comparison shopping.

Solar Panel Perks

Don't let the idea of a solar panel scam scare you away from installing panels onto the roof of your home. With just a little due diligence, you can easily avoid a solar scammer and enjoy the many perks that come from having your very own renewable energy system.

With help from EnergyBillCruncher, you can connect with local companies and start comparison shopping today. In no time, you'll have quality panels on your home and will be able to:

Solar Scams After the Fact

Should you decide that solar panels are the right move for you, here's a scam to watch out for once you have the panels installed:

People posing as utility workers or solar installers claiming you need replacement equipment.

When it comes to replacement parts or perceived installation issues, don't take just anyone's word for it. Check with your solar installer any time someone wants to address an issue with your panels, and always ask for ID verification. Remember: scammers try to scare you into thinking there is a problem and use time-is-of-the-essence tactics to trick you into making a decision then and there. Always check in with your solar installer first!

Easily Avoid Solar Scammers

A great way to avoid solar scammers and dishonest companies? Use EnergyBillCruncher when the time comes to explore your solar panel options. You can compare offers from the comfort of your home before doing some digging of your own. Take your time when it comes to making a decision, and be sure to review state-specific solar incentives to ensure you're making the most of every available offer!